
涂然 2023-04-28























2019/01 - 至今,华侨大学,9499www威尼斯,副教授;

2014/07 - 2018/12,华侨大学,9499www威尼斯,讲师;

2012/07 - 2014/06,中国科学技术大学,火灾科学国家重点实验室,博士后;

2007/09 - 2012/06,中国科学技术大学,安全科学与工程,博士;

2003/09 - 2007/07,中国科学技术大学,安全技术及工程,学士。



1.       国家自然科学基金面上项目,52076084,介质阻挡放电与超焓耦合助燃的极低热值甲烷/空气预混燃烧机制,2021/1-2024/1259万元,主持。

2.       国家自然科学基金面上项目,52175508电弧故障诱发动力锂离子电池系统火灾极早期多参数耦合演化与转捩机理2022/1-2025/1258万元,参与。

3.       火灾科学国家重点实验室开放课题,HZ2020-KF07,故障电弧线路火灾早期发展规律及探测方法研究,2020/1-2021/128万元,主持。

4.       华侨大学中青年教师科技创新资助计划项目,ZQN-PY403,典型线路电弧故障的早期特征演化及火灾致灾机理,2016/10-2020/0940万元,主持。

5.       国家自然科学基金青年项目,51506059,故障电弧诱发电气线路火灾的电热耦合作用机制与发展规律研究,2016/01-2018/1224万元,主持。

6.       国家自然科学基金面上项目,51476157,熔流液火焰诱发的热塑性材料向下火蔓延加速机制研究,2015/01-2018/1282万元,参与。

7.       国家自然科学基金面上项目,U1432108,同步辐射研究钙钛矿型混合导体的局域结构与性能调控机制,2015/01-2017/1268万元,参与。

8.       华侨大学科研基金资助项目,14BS305,电缆桥架长距离动态火蔓延行为研究,2014/10-2017/104万元,主持。

9.       中央高校基本科研专项资助项目,WK2320000025,超临界态二氧化碳管道输运泄漏特性及机理,2014/01-2014/125万元,主持。

10.    中国博士后基金面上资助项目,2012M521253,超临界态CO2管道泄漏特性及其扩散机制研究,2013/01-2014/125万元,主持。

11.    国家自然科学基金面上项目,51074147,微重力强迫对流条件下火灾与非火灾颗粒群光散射规律与反演识别方法,2011/01-2013/1240万元,参与。

12.    中广核核电火灾联合实验室外委项目,氢气灾害现象数值模拟工具软件开发,2018/06-2019/0525万元,参与。



1.       涂然,方俊,张永明,曾怡,关劲夫. 2012 能源动力与新材料全国博士后学术论坛优秀论文奖.

2.       涂然,杜建华,潘冷,曾怡,杨凯,周学进,张认成. 2017 中国工程热物理学会燃烧学学术年会优秀论文奖.

3.       Wei Gao, Naian Liu, Yan Jiao, Xiaodong Xie, Ying Pan, Zilong Li, Xisheng Luo, Linhe Zhang, Ran Tu(涂然). 201837届国际燃烧学大会杰出论文奖(Distinguished Paper.

4.       涂然,国际期刊《Applied Thermal Engineering2018 Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing.

5.       涂然,国际期刊《Fuel2018 Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing.

6.       涂然,曾怡,周学进. 2022年全国优秀消防科普宣传教育作品评选大赛一等奖

7.       涂然,曾怡,周学进,雷佼. 2022年中国工程热物理学会燃烧学学术年会优秀科普作品奖.



1.       Yuhang Chen, Jun Fang, Xiaolei Zhang, Yanli Miao, Yujie Lin, Ran Tu(涂然), Longhua Hu, Pool fire dynamics: Principles, models and recent advances, Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 2023, 95: 101070IF35.339

2.       Zhihong Miao, Ran Tu(涂然)*, Kai Yang, Huan Guo, Kang Li, Xuejin Zhou*, A novel method based on thermal image to predict the personal thermal comfort in the vehicle, Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 2023, 45: 102952

3.       Kang Li, Hongming Chen, Dingyu Xia, Hanqi Zhang, Binlin Dou, Hua Zhang, Ni Liu, Lin Su, Xuejin Zhou, Ran Tu(涂然)*, Assessment method of the integrated thermal management system for electric vehicles with related experimental validation, Energy Conversion and Management, 2023, 276: 116571

4.       Ran Tu(涂然), Xin Ma*, Yi Zeng*, Xuejin Zhou, Qixing Zhang, Jingwei Wang, Jun Fang*, Influences of sub-atmospheric pressure on downward flame spread over typical insulation material with parallel glass curtain wall structure in underground buildings, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2020, 103: 103509

5.       Kang Li, Shuxian Luo, Zhenzhen Wang, Hua Zhang, Lin Su*, Yidong Fang, Xuejin Zhou, Huiqi Zhang, Ran Tu(涂然)*, An experimental investigation of oil circulation ratio influence on heating performance in an air condition heat pump system for electrical vehicles, International Journal of Refrigeration, 2021, 122: 220-231

6.       Ran Tu(涂然), Xin Ma*, Yi Zeng, Xuejin Zhou, Le He, Tingyong Fang, Jun Fang*, Coupling effects of pressure and inclination on downward flame spread over and flexible polyurethane foam board, Building and Environment, 2019, 164: 106339

7.       Ran Tu(涂然)*, Yi Zeng, Jun Fang*, Yongming Zhang, Low air pressure effects on burning rates of ethanol and n-heptane pool fires under various feedback mechanisms of heat, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2016, 99: 545-549

8.       Ran Tu(涂然)*, Yi Zeng, Jun Fang, Yongming Zhang*, The influence of low air pressure on horizontal flame spread over flexible polyurethane foam and correlative smoke productions, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2016, 94: 133-140

9.       Ran Tu(涂然), Qiyuan Xie, Jianxin Yi, Kang Li, Xuejin Zhou, Xi Jiang*, An experimental study on the leakage process of high pressure CO2 from a pipeline transport system, Greenhouse Gases-Science and Technology, 2014, 4(6): 777-784

10.    Ran Tu(涂然), Jun Fang*, Yongming Zhang, Jun Zhang, Yi Zeng, Effects of low air pressure on radiation-controlled rectangular ethanol and n-heptane pool fires, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2013, 34(2): 2591-2598

11.    Ran Tu (涂然)*, Yi Zeng, Jun Fang, Yongming Zhang, Influence of high altitude on the burning behaviour of typical combustibles and the related responses of smoke detectors in compartments, Royal Society Open Science, 2018, 5: 180188

12.    Xin Ma, Ran Tu(涂然)*, Chao Ding, Yi Zeng, Li Xu, Tingyong Fang*, Experimental study on thermal safety analysis of flexible polyurethane at various facade inclined structures under low ambient pressure condition, Engineering Structures, 2018, 176: 11-19

13.    Xin Ma, Ran Tu(涂然)*, Xudong Cheng, Shuguang Zhu, Jinwei Ma, Tingyong Fang*, Experimental study of thermal behavior of insulation material rigid polyurethane in parallel, symmetric, and adjacent building façade constructions, Polymers, 2018, 10: 1104

14.    Jiao Lei, Naian Liu*, Ran Tu(涂然), Flame height of turbulent fire whirls: A model study by concept of turbulence suppression, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2017, 36(2): 3131-3138

15.    Hao He, Qixing Zhang*, Ran Tu(涂然), Luyao Zhao, Jia Liu, Yongming Zhang*, Molten thermoplastic dripping behavior induced by flame spread over wire insulation under overload currents, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2016, 320: 628-634

16.    Kang Li, Xuejin Zhou, Ran Tu(涂然), Qiyuan Xie, Jianxin Yi, Xi Jiang*, An experimental investigation of supercritical CO2 accidental release from a pressurised pipeline, Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 2015, 107: 298-306

17.    Kang Li, Xuejin Zhou, Ran Tu(涂然), Qiyuan Xie, Xi Jiang*, The flow and heat transfer characteristics of supercritical CO2 leakage from a pipeline, Energy, 2014, 71: 665-672

18.    Xuejin Zhou, Kang Li, Ran Tu(涂然), Jianxin Yi, Qiyuan Xie, Xi Jiang*, A modelling study of the multiphase leakage flow from pressurised CO2 pipeline, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2016, 306: 286-294

19.    Qiyuan Xie*, Ran Tu(涂然), Nan Wang, Xin Ma, Xi Jiang, Experimental study on flowing burning behaviors of a pool fire with dripping of melted thermoplastics, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2014, 61: 48-54

20.    Qiyuan Xie, Ran Tu(涂然), Xi Jiang*, Kang Li, Xuejin Zhou, The leakage behavior of supercritical CO2 flow in an experimental pipeline system, Applied Energy, 2014, 130: 574-580

21.    Nan Wang, Ran Tu(涂然), Xin Ma, Qiyuan Xie*, Xi Jiang, Melting behavior of typical thermoplastic materials--an experimental and chemical kinetics study, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2013, 262: 9-15



1.       涂然,曾怡,周学进,杜建华,张认成,姜羲. 模拟地震环境下的板材火蔓延特性测试装置,ZL20201015505.7,授权日2021. 2. 2,发明专利

2.       涂然,曾怡,周学进,杜建华,杨凯,姜羲. 一种消除风力干扰的风场环境池火燃烧速率测试装置,ZL201910610466.6,授权日2020. 12. 1,发明专利

3.       涂然,曾怡,周学进,马鑫,姜羲,杜建华,杨凯. 一种建筑外墙保温板材火灾蔓延特性测试装置及测试方法,ZL201810885714.3,授权日2020. 11. 24,发明专利

4.       涂然,周学进,姜羲,曾怡,张认成,杜建华. 一种等离子体助燃下的可燃气燃烧下限拓宽测试装置及测试方法,ZL201710187575.2,授权日2019. 6. 4,发明专利

5.       涂然,曾怡,周学进,姜羲. 介质阻挡等离子放电下静止预混气燃烧极限扩展测试装置,ZL201710213325.1,授权日2019. 4. 9,发明专利

6.       涂然,曾怡,周学进,张认成,姜羲. 常压低浓度可燃气的超焓等离子体复合助燃燃烧测试装置,ZL201610833678.7,授权日2018. 5. 25,发明专利

7.       涂然,曾怡,杜建华,杨建红,李丽娜,张认成. 外部辐射热流作用下的电缆受热特性及失效性测试装置,ZL201510464772.5,授权日2017. 10. 20,发明专利

8.       涂然,曾怡,杜建华,杨建红,李丽娜,张认成. 一种模拟故障电弧作用下的电缆受热及燃烧特性测试装置,ZL201510444769.7,授权日2017. 10. 27,发明专利




